Hudson River Miles 130-135

Hudson River Miles 130-135

is a series of

Seven Episodes… Plus The Movie.

SCROLL DOWN to view all in order.

Each Episode is centered on a different aspect of the beauty and the problems to be found on a five mile section of the Hudson River.

Like chapters in a book each episode has its own purpose, which taken in order tells the complete story.

To fully enter the point of view directed to a section of the five river miles, we suggest reading the narrative that accompanies each of the individual episodes.


On your way there, please read this:

Climate Change is an old problem whose presence can no longer be ignored. 

Most aware are the young people of Greta Thunberg’s generation who must face an unfortunately certain future. This seven part series is dedicated to that generation and in support introduces Voluntary Stewardship, a method and a call to action. 

We must act where we are, with the means we have, and be focused. Where we are is Hudson River miles 130 to 135, the means we have are kayaks, canoes and simple video equipment and our unshaken focus is on the health and future of the river. 

Our mission is stated in four basic goals; on careful and documented inventory of current and potential pollution in a defined stretch of the river; and the specific remedy of ending all industrial pollution of the river. These efforts lead to informing the local public and trusting that an informed local public is the bedrock of corrective democratic action.

Please click on the Learn More buttons below for each episode for more context and background.

Scroll down for:

Seven Episodes

Plus The Movie

Episode 1: Voluntary Stewardship

Greta Thunberg’s generation has it right.

Climate Collapse is real, an avalanche of climate disasters is pending and the “Grown Ups” are in denial. 

Voluntary Stewardship is what each of us can do here and now, where we are. 

Click HERE to find out how…

Episode 2: Give a Damn

Nature, which makes our existence possible, does not belong to anyone. 

Ownership is a human idea projected on the natural world. The Hudson river is a natural gift used by people for millennia but since industrialization it is reduced to a highway.

Who does the river belong to now and what does it mean?

Click HERE for Episode 2.

Episode 3: Water, Water Everywhere

Climate change to global warming to greater evaporation of water to more rain to more inland flooding to inevitable destruction of shoreline infrastructure is a straight line.

When it comes to wrecking human habitation, inland flooding is the top threat!

Click HERE for Episode 3.

Episode 4: Undisturbed Sanctuary

Chemical Dump On-The-Hudson:

The US Army Corps of Engineers has clear cut possible Bald Eagle habits above the shoreline of Houghtaling Island to create an outhouse for industrial sludge dredged from the Hudson River bottom. 

Wasn’t this supposed to be park land?

Click HERE for Episode 4.

Episode 5: Pay to Pollute

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.”

Would you like to pollute the Hudson River with unpronounceable chemical compounds? There’s a form for that.

Seriously, there is a form to do just that, drinking water be damned…

Click HERE for Episode 5.

Episode 6: Good Neighbors? Pt.1

If the Hudson is to be a sewer or healthy and life-supporting depends on the powerful industries that touch it.

For the neighbors, living next door to a two ton gorilla, the hope is for good behavior and neighborliness. 

How is that going?

Click HERE for Episode 6.

Episode 7: Good Neighbors? Pt.2

A powerful industrial giant exploiting its third world employees - could that happen here? 

We’re a first world country right? 

Well, maybe, maybe not, and if not, what are we and who are these people!? 

Can you trust a Giant to be a good neighbor?

Click HERE for Episode 7.

Hudson River Miles 130-135: The Movie

“The Movie” is an easy to watch compilation of seven (7) separate videos each with a different orientation and messaging. Each is centered on a different aspect of the beauty and the problems to be found on a five mile section of the Hudson River.

Like chapters in a book each episode has its own purpose which taken in order tells the complete story.

To fully enter the point of view directed to a section of the five river miles, we suggest reading the narrative that accompanies each of the individual episodes.

Click HERE for The Movie.

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